-pay the amount you want to pay, if you are lucky-
Fair Random Auction Framework (FRA)
FRA is an Open Source Framework
Creative Commons Attribution
You are free to use and modify this framework but we would appreciate it if you could add the following sentence to your auction : "Original Framework by NFTech (ROXEL DAO) @TechnologyNF"
How does it work?
You decide how many "tickets" you want
Each ethereum cent is a ticket, so the more you bid the highest your chance. (Feel free to change the price of your tickets)
If you win you pay the price of all your tickets, if you lose you don't pay anything.
3 people take tickets
Alan takes 1 ticket, Beatrice takes 2 tickets, Carla takes 7 tickets
we make the total, here it is 10
the first person has number 1 , the second numbers 2 and 3, and the third numbers 4-10
We then draw a number between 1 and 10.
Let's say the random number generator draw the number "3", Beatrice wins and has a private listing at the cost of 2 tickets.